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We organize
Birding tours.
all over Ecuador.

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We have
Bird guides.


Ecuador, land of birds In Ecuador there are currently 1,722 species of birds. In the country there are 35 endemic species, 6 are found in Mainland Ecuador and 29 in the Galápagos Archipelago. There are also 192 species of tyranid birds, 152 of tanagers and 131 of hummingbirds.


Ecuador, land of birds For bird lovers, touring Ecuador gives them the opportunity of photographing the largest number of bird species within the smallest physical space in the world. Ecuador has a wide variety of fauna zones:one of them is the Amazon Region, considered one of the richest on the planet. Each zone has its own characteristic birds, and Gilded Birds Tours offers you the opportunity to observe and photograph a great diversity of bird species.


Our knowledge comes from our observations, experiences, and overall love for birds


We perform our work with high standards of quality and commitment


Personalized communication to offer an unforgettable experience